Our Capabilities

With or Without Certification

Do not let the pressure of achieving certification straight away stop you from starting the journey. IQMS Australasia can help you develop systems so your business can become more fruitful, with or without certification.

There is a common misconception that leads people to believe certification is the solution to bring about effective systems.

This is incorrect as it is the systems and processes themselves which make your organisation effective, certification is only an ‘outward’ confirmation to external interested parties and stakeholders that your systems meet a particular benchmark.

Unfortunately, this misconception causes many organisations to delay doing anything due to the additional costs of certification, or perhaps, due to feeling ‘it’s all too difficult’. Moreover, many organisations remain in the state of delay for many years and never achieve any progress.

IQMS Australasia believe your systems should be the core focus and not certification. If you are unable to achieve certification right now, consider engaging IQMS Australasia to help you develop a management system ‘aligned’ to the ISO standards.

Take your management systems to the cloud and beyond

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